Since I don't have much new to show from the new house, I thought I'd share what's been happening at the old house. It's a mess, basically, and I really haven't done much packing at all. Shocking, I know. :)
Here's what I have done:
1) Gone through my bedroom closets/dresser & purged as much as possible. Goodwill got quite a donation yesterday.
2) Gone through all my old files and added a bunch of stuff to the recycling bin & the shred bag. Everything is pretty much up to date, and what I don't need is in a storage box.
3) Gone through my loft & buffet downstairs to organize photos, crafts, bike stuff, etc.
4) Picked up 6 dining room chairs for the new house and planted them firmly in my kitchen.
Below is my progress. Lots of empty boxes that need to be filled soon. Apparently all of my stuff isn't just going to walk itself down the street after all. Damn reality check. :)

So, there is my current house, which still looks pretty much the same as always with the exception of having more stuff inside. I think my Plan of Action for the move is this:
1) Move the stuff from my kitchen over Thursday night, if I get the CO, and run it through the dishwasher before I unload it. (This is what happens when I am without a dishwasher for 2.5 years! I don't trust stuff!)
2) Put all my books into green HEB bags so I can move the bookshelves. Apparently I can't do it all in one piece! Darn.
3) Pack up whatever else I can in actual boxes so that when my moving friends come, it's ready to be loaded into the truck
4) Make a path for all of the large furniture (i.e piano, desk, bookshelves, dresser, bed, chairs) to be loaded into the truck. Then fill the truck with as much else as I can. Drive 7 houses down & unload!
5) Continue this pattern for as many days as it takes to get settled in.
6) Oh crap. I forgot about all my art. I'll have to figure that stuff out too.
7) One day, in the hopefully not so distant future, relax in my new house. :)
So, that might be
TMI for this blog, but it helps me to think the process through. If I'm not packing, I'm at least thinking about it right? ;)