Monday: Tons and tons of hardwood was delivered and layout began...
Tuesday: Rain. Lots and lots of rain. No progress.
Wednesday: No more rain, just a lot of mud. But progress resumed, and suddenly I had a floor!
Thursday: Studs are UP! Nick (who works with Kevin) gave the tour this morning. He showed off some of the "green" elements of the framing. He showed where the windows and doors are going. He showed where the rooms start and stop. He basically just got me super freaking excited. So. Damn. Cool. I was standing in my soon-to-be bedroom. Wheeeeeeee!
I called my mom to update her on the progress. She asked me if I was frozen because I couldn't stop saying how cool everything is. :) She's so funny. Notice how the back wall of the house is finally gone. I am going to have the biggest living room/dining room/kitchen ever. (Okay, maybe not ever... but close!)