When I first bought this house, I figured I'd tear down this shed & build something in the corner of the lot. However, common sense (i.e. $$$) got the better of me & I decided to leave it. But really, it was pretty ugly. Faded red paint + dirt + a general "yuck" factor.
Then, one of my friends gave the obvious yet brilliant idea to paint it and decorate it... make it more of a feature than an eyesore.
So, yesterday Joe & I pressure washed it. Then we painted it... purple of course... and now it is beautiful. It's not quite done (in reality, only 2 sides are actually fully painted, and I still need to do the trim & stain the door) but it's so much better. I actually like it now! Oh, I should qualify the painting as well - Joe painted the shed, I painted the metal bars. Totally equal, right? ;)
We commented yesterday that we'd NEVER think "paint it purple so it blends in." However, it totally does! Well, in my head at least. So... some trim, some door stain, some cement stain, a big potted plant & chairs, and a hanging plant... and she's now a feature. Yay. Purple. :)